Das Weltkulturerbe
The World-Cultural-Heritage
Lassen Sie sich bitte von erwachsenen Menschen helfen, denn es wird höchste Zeit!
Ursula Sabisch, Brandenbaumer Landstraße 177, 23466 Luebeck, Germany
To the IWF
Washington DC
Many children have been waiting for help and that for years........especially in East Africa today!
Unfortunately the called administrators of the funds still haven`t paid the bill to this day! * 17. March 2017
Germany, Luebeck, 2012, March 8
Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Mr. C. L.,
I like to inform you that you should be able to know the consequences of the hunger in the Third World.
At present there is help needed by over a million children in Niger, Thad, Burkina Faso and in five other countries as you can see from the UNICEF letter below.
Please, take your time to read a part of my homepages next to the UNICEF letter below, so that you should be able to find out, that it is not a joke rather a true enactment. As members of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) you should be able to act at once worldwide and both in the matter and in the commission.
The solution of many problems could be e. g. a worldwide solidarity tax in term of fife percent (5%)* 2017 adjusted to the salary of everybody, who earns net more than 1000, - euros per month. This rule is valid for your country and also for every other State Worldwide. None of the people mentioned will suffer or disadvantaged by contributions of one percent (1%) of his salary, on the contrary!
As a Christian one should start with the matter and commission at once.
Perhaps then other cultures will follow. The problems of the world become bigger and not smaller, so that the poorest of the poor people do not have to pay the bill of the capitalistic states any longer!
You may not grant the money, because it is intended to be for an united culture worldwide as you can see from my homepages. Please, do not forget that the document below ” Enactment” is not a joke, rather a chance of changing the problems of the whole world.
Yours faithfully
Ursula Sabisch, Empress
My letter was corrected grammatically. 2012, March 15th.
Liebe Frau Sabisch,
Über eine Million Kinder in Niger, Tschad, Burkina Faso und fünf weiteren Ländern sind in diesen Monaten von einer schweren Ernährungskrise bedroht.
Aufgrund von Dürren, ausgefallenen Ernten, hohen Lebensmittelpreisen und extremer Armut haben viele Familien kaum genug zum Überleben. Noch können wir eine Hungersnot abwenden – doch dafür brauchen wir Ihre Hilfe!
Bereits heute hilft UNICEF, rund 700.000 Kinder in der Region mit Zusatznahrung, Medikamenten und sauberem Wasser zu versorgen. Um diese Hilfe auszuweiten und jedes bedrohte Kind zu erreichen, braucht UNICEF jedoch weitere Unterstützung. Deshalb bitten wir Sie: Spenden Sie jetzt!
Gemeinsam können wir eine erneute Hungerkatastrophe in Afrika verhindern.
Vielen Dank. Jetzt online spenden.
Jan Oetjen GMX Geschäftsführung
Tess Ulrich Stiftung United Internet for UNICEF